Communicate, Collaborate & Connect with an app

Now more than ever people are turning to their smartphones for important information and to stay connected. In a time when you are required to constantly provide updates and release important notices, it is essential to be able to easily and quickly notify your students, parents, and teachers. With the help of SchoolInfo, you can keep everyone informed and bring people together with the ease of an app. 

In 2021, Apple found that people all over the world were discovering new ways to stay entertained, informed, connected, and inspired through their mobile devices. In the recently released article, Apple services enrich peoples’ lives throughout the year, Apple reported that  "millions of apps were downloaded from the App Store, unlocking powerful ways to communicate, collaborate, and connect." Organizations of all types and sizes are utilizing the power of a mobile app to provide innovative ways to connect with their audience and be visible at all times. 

Is your district or school staying connected to your community through the convenience of an app? Using a mobile app specifically designed for your school can help you communicate, collaborate and connect better with your audience.

Communicate important announcements in real-time through a mass notification system sending push notifications to users about event updates or school closings.

Collaborate with your community by allowing them to submit content to your communication channels that you can then approve, reject, or edit.

Connect students and their parents to teachers or administrators for effective and appropriate two-way communication through in-app messaging.

Want more reasons why your school should have an app? Read, 5 Reasons Why Creating An App For Your School Makes Sense.

To learn more about the apps we build for schools and the innovative ways you can communicate, collaborate, and connect with your audience, schedule a demo today!

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