Show me someone who has never thought about going to the school from their favorite TV show or movie—and I will show you a liar. Ok, that might have been a little harsh, but you get my point. It is my opinion that most people have thought about this at least once or twice. So, we did what we do here at SchoolInfo: made a list that nobody asked for of what we thought were the best five out of all the fictional schools we could think of. Get ready, cause we are about to take you to SCHOOL. Couldn't help myself—here's the list!
#5 Dillon High School

Rumors, lies, sweat, and football fill the halls of Dillon High School. This Texas school is certainly not for the faint of heart. The hard-hitting panthers start our list at number 5. Honestly, they might have been a bit closer to the number 1 spot. But, you have to admit, there's not a whole lot of actual learning going on. Just a serious amount of football and small town sorrows. Sign me up!
#4 Degrassi Community Schools

We'll have to go a bit north of the border for school number 4. The intense drama pouring through the classrooms of Degrassi probably had plenty of adolescents begging their parents to head to Toronto back in the day. There was definitely no shortage of social activity, some good...some not so good. Let's just thank the stars that Drake made it out on the other side. I mean, where would we be without "Hotline Bling"??
#3 Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Hogwarts just happens to be my personal number 1 choice. In fact, it's pretty much my only choice. But this list is not about me, but rather society as a whole. And from my research, Hogwarts comes in at a sensible number 3. No matter what house you rep at Hogwarts, there's no doubt that you'll find yourself in some very interesting situations, and there's no doubt most of us have dreamed of casting a few spells here and there. Alas, in the words of the late and great Dumbledore, "It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
#2 Shermer High School

The infamous Breakfast Club. A stint in Saturday morning detention morphs into a special bond among jocks, nerds, criminals, and prom queens. All outcasts in their own way. Sherman High School could have made it to the number 2 spot on the building's design alone. Lucky for us, it's what's inside those walls that makes this high school so near and dear to our hearts. *Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds intensifies in the background*
#1 Bayside High School

This was a genuinely tough choice, but who doesn't love Saved by the Bell? Talk about a school run by the students. Though Mr. Belding always did his best, it was never enough to stop Zack from getting into shenanigans with his pals. Navigating relationships, exams, school dances, and all those other nightmares that kept us awake at night during our teenage years happened at Bayside as well. Reminding us that we were never alone, and we could always count on our friends to lend a helping hand.
Obviously, this is a list that's up for debate. There are quite a few fictional schools out there. Maybe we'll just have to make a bigger list next time? Man, I love this job. If you have a school that should be ranked, we want to know! Even though, like I said, Hogwarts is the only correct answer—I am willing to entertain other ideas and tell you why they are wrong.
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