Happy Labor Day!

In 1894, President Grover Cleveland made Labor Day a national holiday in the U.S. Through the years, the day has marked a remembrance of those who fought for workers' rights and a celebration of those who work day in and day out. It is also the only day Hammering Man, a 48' tall kinetic sculpture in Seattle, rests.  

This year, SchoolInfo would like to thank everyone who has dedicated their lives to educating children. From the teachers who have toiled with educating their students throughout the pandemic, to the administrators who dedicate themselves to leading and learning, to the IT teams that keep everyone online. The bus drivers, office staff, paraprofessionals, cafeteria staffthe list of employees who keeps schools running is long. 

To all of those who are responsible for guiding, growing, and teaching this generation of learners, thank you. The tasks you take on every day are not easy, but are vital to the future of each student you impact.

To help remind everyone of the importance of what what you do every day, here's a video from One Voice Children's Choir.

Happy Labor Day! 



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