Privacy, Social Media, and Education


In the midst of all the discussions around social media and big tech, privacy has taken to center stage. Facebook attempted to push back at Apple updates focused around educating users on how their data is being used by social media for marketing purposes. In the provocatively titled article “Tim Cook May Have Just Ended Facebook,” the Apple CEO spoke directly to the effects and consequences of data collection in social media.

The question you may be asking now is are districts contributing to the problem by forcing students and parents to give up some of their personal privacy in order to stay connected and up-to-date with what is happening at schools? District and State level policies place strict security measures on vendors that educators partner with, yet social media often fails to meet the minimum of standards.

Many districts and schools use Facebook and other social media as a free way to keep busy families up-to-date with school events and news. This can often be a wonderful way to reach audiences where they are, when they need it. What happens when families become leery of social media due to data privacy concerns? Or if free tools start charging for use?

An app by SchoolInfo gives educators a platform to share information and more without risking data privacy for families and students. As is often said, if the service you are using is free to use, you are the product. Is the cost something your community is willing to continue to pay? SchoolInfo is iKeepSafe Certified, and values the privacy of our customers and their users.

To learn more about how you can have privacy-centered digital communication in an app branded for your school, meet with a member of our sales team!

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