Your Success Is Our Goal

There is a stark difference between customer service and customer success. Often, when I imagine customer service, it's tough to get past the image of a bored and unhappy worker wearing a headset in a dimly lit cubicle somewhere. We've all had those experiences—where it seems like the person on the other end of the phone or chat wants to do everything in the world except help you solve a problem.

Customer success is an entirely different ballgame. It's what we pride ourselves on here at Schoolinfo and quite frankly—we would be lost without our amazing customer success team. Aside from being genius, talented, and all-around cool people (I really want them to like me) they're pretty good at helping our clients succeed in numerous different ways:

  • They are responsible for the bulk of our process, from app building to onboarding and training
  • Send in content (forms, contact lists, documents, & more) and watch it go live within 48 hours
  • Assisting through help desk tickets, chat, email, and more
  • Providing on-going support and training through different mediums such as webinars, video chat, and more
  • Putting our clients in the best position to keep their mobile-app running smoothly using the dashboard

Even though you should, you don't have to take our word for it. Instead, take it from our good friend Robyn Simmons, Principal at Early College Option in Gonzales, Louisiana. "I love how easy the interface is to use and how supportive the company is with helping get things uploaded and with providing professional development on the product."

For us, and our customer success team, it does not get much better than that. They work hard every day to ensure your communication plans continue without a hitch. All at no extra cost to you. Our support team is the best included feature we offer. Don't have an app with us? Interested in an all-star team showing you the way? Head to our website to learn more!

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