Promote Your App: Know Your Audience

In this installment of Promote Your App, we are going back to the basics. When you promote your app, it's important to remember whom you are talking to, and why it matters. 


The first step in promoting your app is remembering your audience. Whom do you want to use your app? Here are a few different audiences that you will likely want to target:

  • Parents and Guardians
  • Students
  • Staff
  • Greater Community

Now that you know whom you want to target, what should you be saying? Here are a few pro-tips to get the word out when targeting audiences. 

Tip #1: Word of mouth

A referral is the best way to get people excited about something new. We all love to hate social media influencers, but there is a reason they started making money: they make a difference. Think of the biggest influencers in your educational community and get them on board with your app!

Need ideas to get started?

  • Your school board: Get your leaders excited! They should be ready to share the benefits of the app with everyone they meet.
  • The PTA: The PTA should be your go-to for getting families familiar with the app. They will love the easy-to-use functionality to keep up to date with what is happening in their school.
  • Extra-Curricular Activities and Clubs: Keeping practices, meetings, and events organized is always a challenge. Show them how easy it’ll be to stay organized!
  • Student Government: Let the next generation of leaders share in the fun of using the app—and seeing the benefits.

Tip #2: What’s in it for me?

When trying to convince anyone to start using something new, it’s best to let them know why it will benefit them to use the app. Here are a few benefits for users:

  • All your school calendars are in one place. And you can subscribe to only those that are relevant to you!
  • With the Conversations functionality, you can directly message other users without sharing your personal phone number.
  • Push notifications make sure you never miss out on important messages like school closings.
  • Keep up with the news you care about. Subscribe to specific content areas to get the latest updates.

Keep in mind, that you know what you are most excited about with your new app. Make sure to share that with your audience!

Tip #3: Make sure your app is up to date

If your audience downloads the app but the information is outdated or not relevant, they will be less likely to use it. That may sound daunting, but there is good news! Our team will help keep your app updated. You can share the content and where you want it to be with us, and we manage the rest.

What's next?

Need more ideas to promote your app? Check out our full series for additional hints to help get started on improving communication! Don't have an app but would like to? Meet with our team to learn more about how a branded mobile app can help your community connect.  

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