Eliminating Teacher Shortages With Ed-Tech

I recently came across a blog from our friends at District Administration detailing 5 key ways ed-tech solutions can assist in eliminating teacher shortages. By now, it's pretty well-known that the bulk of this school year was completed virtually at some point in time. Whether that was fully remote, or a more hybrid approach, all depends on the area and local government of the school. What you may not realize, is that there is a pretty significant teacher shortage that precedes the pandemic, but was enhanced when schools closed their doors in early 2020.

While ed-tech has been playing a large part in the classroom long before the pandemic—there's no doubt there's been a large increase in need for these solutions over the past year.  Here are the five ways education technology can help eliminate teacher shortages in the increasingly virtual educational landscape:

1. Platforms for online meetings: Stay connected with fellow teachers, administrators, and staff members when you are unable to meet face-to-face.

2. Teachers connect with in-person and online learners: Teachers and students can stay connected via these meeting platforms including both virtual and in-person students.

3. Online professional development: Professional development and training is vital to ensuring your teachers have the support they need to continue teaching virtually and in-person.

4. Strong curriculum: Let teachers focus on how to teach by providing them with standards-aligned curriculum—allowing the teachers the opportunity to rectify loss of learning. 

5. Offer a variety of classes: Keeping teaching and learning fun can have a huge impact on learning outcomes for both teachers and students! 

At SchoolInfo, we'd like to provide a sixth point:

6. Communication: From school-to-home and administrators-to-staff, clear communication can ensure messages are clearly delivered, that success is celebrated, and encouragement is given when needed. 

If you'd like to learn more about how to implement a digital communication strategy for your school, please download and read through our ebook.

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