SchoolInfo Blog

Looking for the latest in digital communication for districts and schools? Look no further!

Happy New Year!

Behind every successful person, there is a line of people who helped them reach their goals. One of...

Happy Holidays!

As we wind down 2021, SchoolInfo would like to wish all educators a very happy holiday season. We...

Log4j & SchoolInfo

As you may know, a zero-day exploit for a vulnerability code named Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228) was...

TikTok Educators

To celebrate winter break, we thought we'd share a few fun TikTok videos of educators at their...

Winter Promotion

Here's a New Year's resolution idea that's easy to keep: communicate more effectively and...

2021 Year in Review

With the new year fast approaching, let’s take a quick look back at 2021 and some of what we have...

Is it time for a new website?

We talk a lot about the importance of solid communication for students, families, and staff. While...

Today is National App Day!

December 11 is National App Day! It's the perfect occasion to celebrate your app with a post to...

Keeping Your Data Safe

Keeping student information and data secure is paramount to schools and districts. Beyond the...

Appcessibility by SchoolInfo: Ensuring every student can succeed

Districts want to ensure their technology is not only compliant with accessibility minimum...