SchoolInfo Blog

Looking for the latest in digital communication for districts and schools? Look no further!

Busy? We can help!

Feeling overworked, stretched too thin? You aren’t alone! We know that publishing content to your...

Promote Your App: Know Your Audience

In this installment of Promote Your App, we are going back to the basics. When you promote your...

Need a Pep Talk? Press 3

Well-known author Charles Dickens wrote the immortal words, “It was the best of times, it was the...

Looking to upgrade your digital communication?

Is your message being heard? Use video messaging to ensure your message is retained! Watching...

Is recovering from COVID stressing you out?

I recently read an article from District Administration (DA), "6 problems that have made COVID...

2022 NYSPRA Conference Takeaways

Earlier this week, I had the chance to attend the 2022 New York School Public Relations Association...

Why does Denham Springs Junior High love SchoolInfo?

Denham Springs Junior High, a current customer of ours, loves our services so much they created a...

Is Your Message Being Heard?

Watching videos has become the preferred method of getting information for many people. In 2020, ...

Why Should You Invest in a Mobile App?

When someone needs information on the go, the easiest way to get it is on their smartphone. The 85...

Feature Focus: Share!

We know how much you love to support your students by sharing the events going on around your...